MX Simulator
Track2012 Supercross Rd 7 - Arlington
Format 8 laps
Date6/11/2012, 5:12:16 AM (4595 days ago)


Pos.No.NameBikeLaps Total TimeBest LapBest TimeID
125Jack crf250(2009)8 8:18.3283 0:57.1953271
2702Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell yz1258 10:08.3207 1:01.7103957
356Tom crf450(2011)7 8:34.9603 1:09.9534458
444OnealRacer44 crf250(2009)6 8:58.6953 1:21.1565926
549morlok 450sxf(2011)5 6:46.4453 1:10.1794626
6518Boogie_Man rm1251 1:24.9210 0:00.0002919
7A.Hachi | H&M MotorSports cr1251 3:38.4210 0:00.0003889
8127T_Frye127 crf250(2009)0 0:00.0000 0:00.0005597

Lap Chart

  L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
P1 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
P2 56 702 702 702 702 702 702 702
P3 702 56 56 56 56 56 56
P4 49 49 49 49 49 44
P5 518 44 44 44 44
P6 44

History Chart

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Sorted Lap Times

0:57.195 3 25 Jack
0:58.296 2 25 Jack
1:01.710 7 702 Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell
1:02.117 5 25 Jack
1:03.343 2 702 Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell
1:03.687 3 702 Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell
1:03.695 7 25 Jack
1:09.953 3 56 Tom
1:10.179 3 49 morlok
1:13.054 6 25 Jack
1:13.109 7 56 Tom
1:17.054 6 702 Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell
1:17.875 4 56 Tom
1:21.156 3 44 OnealRacer44
1:22.796 2 44 OnealRacer44
1:34.968 5 44 OnealRacer44
1:47.601 8 702 Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell

Individual Worst Laps

1:13.054 6 25 Jack
1:26.921 2 56 Tom
1:35.398 5 49 morlok
1:35.914 4 44 OnealRacer44
1:47.601 8 702 Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell


Std. Dev.NumberName
4.951 25 Jack
7.658 44 OnealRacer44
8.941 56 Tom
10.349 49 morlok
14.781 702 Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell
- 518 Boogie_Man
- A.Hachi | H&M MotorSports
- 127 T_Frye127

Play by Play

T_Frye127 takes the holeshot followed by morlok, Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell, Boogie_Man, Jack, A.Hachi | H&M MotorSports, Tom and OnealRacer44

0:07.835 - 0:09.859: Jack passed Boogie_Man for 4th
0:11.023 - 0:13.007: OnealRacer44 passed Tom for 6th
0:11.968 - 0:14.031: A.Hachi | H&M MotorSports passed Boogie_Man for 3rd
0:11.132 - 0:14.945: Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell went off the track
0:14.171 - 0:16.335: Boogie_Man passed Jack and T_Frye127 for 2nd
0:13.820 - 0:16.875: Jack passed T_Frye127 for 3rd
0:17.351 - 0:19.171: Tom passed OnealRacer44 and T_Frye127 for 4th
0:16.875 - 0:20.601: Jack passed Boogie_Man for 2nd
0:19.171 - 0:22.148: Tom passed Boogie_Man for 3rd
0:09.148 - 0:23.132: morlok went off the track
0:23.132 - 0:25.085: morlok passed OnealRacer44 for 6th
0:21.218 - 0:26.257: T_Frye127 passed Boogie_Man for 4th
0:25.085 - 0:27.929: morlok passed Boogie_Man for 5th
0:14.031 - 0:33.726: A.Hachi | H&M MotorSports went off the track
0:34.398 - 0:37.726: Jack passed Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell for the lead
0:30.476 - 0:38.851: Boogie_Man went off the track
0:35.726 - 0:39.210: Tom passed Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell for 2nd
0:38.851 - 0:41.460: Boogie_Man passed A.Hachi | H&M MotorSports for 6th
0:43.148 - 0:48.671: OnealRacer44 passed A.Hachi | H&M MotorSports for 7th
0:50.781 - 0:53.406: morlok passed T_Frye127 for 4th
0:51.914 - 0:54.914: A.Hachi | H&M MotorSports passed OnealRacer44 for 7th
0:57.093 - 0:59.507: T_Frye127 passed morlok for 4th
0:00.000 - 1:00.351: Jack finished lap 1 ( 1:00.351)
0:00.000 - 1:03.070: Tom finished lap 1 ( 1:03.070)
1:04.375 - 1:07.281: A.Hachi | H&M MotorSports went off the track
0:00.000 - 1:16.195: Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell finished lap 1 ( 1:16.195)
0:00.000 - 1:20.390: morlok finished lap 1 ( 1:20.390)
0:00.000 - 1:24.921: Boogie_Man finished lap 1 ( 1:24.921)
1:36.031 - 1:39.593: OnealRacer44 passed A.Hachi | H&M MotorSports for 6th
1:39.992 - 1:41.578: Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell passed Tom for 2nd
0:00.000 - 1:46.148: OnealRacer44 finished lap 1 ( 1:46.148)
1:00.351 - 1:58.648: Jack finished lap 2 ( 0:58.296)
2:10.812 - 2:14.781: morlok went off the track
1:16.195 - 2:19.539: Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell finished lap 2 ( 1:03.343)
2:15.804 - 2:24.367: Tom went off the track
1:03.070 - 2:29.992: Tom finished lap 2 ( 1:26.921)
1:20.390 - 2:32.796: morlok finished lap 2 ( 1:12.406)
1:58.648 - 2:55.843: Jack finished lap 3 ( 0:57.195)
1:46.148 - 3:08.945: OnealRacer44 finished lap 2 ( 1:22.796)
2:19.539 - 3:23.226: Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell finished lap 3 ( 1:03.687)
3:22.585 - 3:28.570: Jack went off the track
0:00.000 - 3:35.273: A.Hachi | H&M MotorSports finished lap 1 ( 3:35.273)
2:29.992 - 3:39.945: Tom finished lap 3 ( 1:09.953)
2:32.796 - 3:42.976: morlok finished lap 3 ( 1:10.179)
3:45.250 - 3:46.890: morlok passed Tom for 3rd
2:55.843 - 3:55.882: Jack finished lap 4 ( 1:00.039)
3:49.929 - 3:59.351: Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell went off the track
4:04.421 - 4:06.851: Tom passed morlok for 3rd
4:16.648 - 4:18.078: morlok passed Tom for 3rd
3:08.945 - 4:30.101: OnealRacer44 finished lap 3 ( 1:21.156)
4:18.078 - 4:34.906: morlok went off the track
4:30.101 - 4:40.734: OnealRacer44 went off the track
4:33.882 - 4:41.437: Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell went off the track
3:23.226 - 4:41.437: Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell finished lap 4 ( 1:18.210)
3:39.945 - 4:57.820: Tom finished lap 4 ( 1:17.875)
3:55.882 - 4:58.000: Jack finished lap 5 ( 1:02.117)
3:42.976 - 5:09.476: morlok finished lap 4 ( 1:26.500)
5:12.875 - 5:17.046: Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell went off the track
5:22.039 - 5:25.937: Tom went off the track
4:41.437 - 5:52.976: Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell finished lap 5 ( 1:11.539)
4:57.820 - 5:56.968: Tom finished lap 5 ( 0:59.148)
4:30.101 - 6:06.015: OnealRacer44 finished lap 4 ( 1:35.914)
6:00.187 - 6:08.257: Tom passed Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell for 2nd
4:58.000 - 6:11.054: Jack finished lap 6 ( 1:13.054)
6:20.679 - 6:22.609: Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell passed Tom for 2nd
6:29.539 - 6:38.515: morlok went off the track
5:09.476 - 6:44.875: morlok finished lap 5 ( 1:35.398)
6:59.375 - 7:07.593: Tom went off the track
5:52.976 - 7:10.031: Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell finished lap 6 ( 1:17.054)
6:11.054 - 7:14.750: Jack finished lap 7 ( 1:03.695)
5:56.968 - 7:18.976: Tom finished lap 6 ( 1:22.007)
6:06.015 - 7:40.984: OnealRacer44 finished lap 5 ( 1:34.968)
7:40.250 - 7:44.187: Jack went off the track
7:10.031 - 8:11.742: Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell finished lap 7 ( 1:01.710)
8:07.171 - 8:13.476: OnealRacer44 went off the track
7:14.750 - 8:14.335: Jack finished lap 8 ( 0:59.585)
7:18.976 - 8:32.085: Tom finished lap 7 ( 1:13.109)
7:40.984 - 8:57.960: OnealRacer44 finished lap 6 ( 1:16.976)
8:11.742 - 9:59.343: Parts Unlimited Yamaha | M.Parnwell finished lap 8 ( 1:47.601)